
Kerala spa near me

Kerala spa near me

Kerala spa near me
Kerala spa near me Mind & Body Healing – a haven to rejuvenate the body and replenish the tired mind. Our ayurvedic massage center opened more than two decades ago in Dubai (Deira, Satwa), Ajman, UAE aims at holistic wellness programs designed as per Doshas of the human body.
Ayurvedic massage focuses on relaxation, stress relief, and releasing emotional blockages. It helps to remove toxins, reducing weight, healthy skin, anti-aging, blood circulation, & stimulates internal organs.
Kerala spa near me

Providing traditional Kerala ayurvedic massages such as Abhyangam, Elakizhi, Pizhichil, Shirodhara, Steam Bath, full body massages, Herbal Facial, slimming massage therapy, rejuvenation & stress relief massage, etc.

Kerala spa near me 

All therapies done by professional ayurvedic therapists under the guidance of ayurvedic doctors. Come in and experience one of our authentic ayurveda personalized & customized Treatments bring ease and relaxation to body & mind. Home Services Available*.

Kerala spa near me


This full-body massage focuses on maximum penetration of herbal oils/herbal extracts and release of muscular tension. It is followed by a steam bath and a hot shower. Abhyangam is a basic step that stimulates and rejuvenates various body systems.

Kerala spa near me


Herbal poultices are prepared with various herbs and medicated powders. The entire body is massaged with these poultices after they are warmed in medicated oil.



Pizhichil is a relaxing, soothing, and rejuvenating treatment with medicated warm oil used in a continuous stream for a definite period for the whole body (excluding head & neck). Warm medicated oil is squeezed over the body from a piece of cloth that is periodically dipped in the pot containing the oil.



Oil/other liquids are poured in a continuous stream onto the forehead from a hanging vessel, while a gentle massage is given on the face and head.



Navarakkizhi, Kerala’s unique contribution to Ayurveda, involves fomentation of the body with a bolus of cooked medicated rice, Shastika a particular kind of rice known for its nutritional value, in milk, and an herbal decoction made of kurumthotti (Sida rhombi folia). Four boluses are of this cooked rice and tied up in linen bags.



Nasya is the Ayurvedic procedure whereby the medicine is administered through the nasal passage. The face, shoulders, and chest are massaged with specific herbal oil and made to perspire. The Herbal extracts/herbal oil in doze is measured and instilled into the nostrils while inhaling.



Special herbal facial

This is an intensive head, neck and face treatment. Relieves stress/tension in the face by working on marma points, applying herbal skin purification plaster and herbal inhalation therapy.



Medicated oil is filled and then retained in a receptacle over the lower back made with black gram paste.

A special technique aimed at providing relief to the lower back, this treatment is useful for chronic and acute backaches, prolapsed disc, lumbar spondylosis, osteoporosis, sciatica and gynecological problems.



A stimulating massage using special herbal powder to reduce cellulite accumulations, improve circulation and enhance your skin’s texture and appearance. We thoroughly exfoliate your body using a powerful mixture of Ayurvedic powders which will break up fatty deposits and energize blood circulation and thereby drawing fresh energy to the surface of the skin. This is a wonderful treatment for those seeking to achieve perfectly smooth skin and makes remarkable weight loss.


Marma Abhyangam

This is a full-body massage that restores balance through “marma” (the vital energy points in the human body). It is at these points where massage can most effectively rebalance the system for optimum health.

Enhances longevity by ensuring the proper balance and flow of hormones, emotions, fluids, and immune factors and is also very effective in traumatic complaints.



A cotton pad soaked in medicated oil is placed on the head and kept moist with warm oil.

For facial palsy, headache, insomnia, poor memory, dermatitis of the scalp, dandruff, neurological disorders, paralysis and skin disorders such as eczema.


Herbal Steam Bath

Every part of the body except the head is exposed to herbal steam. This produces sweat, dilates the channels of the body, and facilitates easy removal of impurities from the system through excretory outlets like the sweat gland, kidney, and liver. When done after a treatment, it also helps the absorption of medicinal particles present in the herbal oil. The steam bath gives greater flexibility and suppleness to the body and reduces stiffness and swelling. The body becomes light due to the elimination of excess water.



Lukewarm oil is poured into the ears or medicated fumes are directed into the ears. For infections affecting the ear and head, especially pain and puss formation in the ear.


Hasthabhyangam & Padaabhyangam

Like reflexology, these involve treatment of the hand and foot. A scrub is performed using a mixture of herbs and lentil flour to remove dead skin and improve circulation. It is followed by a massage of the palms, wrist, sole,s, and ankles.

Heal the entire body and release tension in the hand and feet. Also smoothens cracked skin of the feet and induces deep sleep by soothing and cooling the eyes.



First gentle head massage is done with specific ayurvedic oil followed by application of freshly prepared herbal paste all over the scalp, leaving a small central portion. Afterward medicated oil is filled in this groove followed by a wrap with Banana leaves to maintain warmth. After the specific duration of treatment, the paste is removed and gentle massage is given.


Netra Tharpana

Netra Tharpana is a special Ayurvedic treatment for the eyes. It relieves tiredness and also improves eyesight. It is highly recommended for people who regularly work at computers, operate machinery, drive for long periods, or anyone who is currently suffering from tired, aching, and 1 sore eye.



Medicated oil/other liquids are retained within a cap fitted around the head.


Shiro Abhyangam

Comprehensive therapy of the central nervous system involves a soothing massage of the head, neck, shoulder.


Chavitti Uzhichil

Chavitti Uzhichil or Ayurvedic oil massage with the foot is the most compatible therapy practiced by the exponents in Kalari (Kerala’s traditional martial art in India).

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